Aarhus University Seal

Lukas Esterle


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Lukas Esterle

Areas of expertise

  • Computational Self-awareness
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Self-organisation
  • Collaborative decision-making
  • Digital Twins

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


My research interest is around enabling collaboration among autonomous systems with the following directions:

  1. computational self-awareness,
  2. individual and collective learning, 
  3. autonomous decision making and planning,
  4. modelling and digital twins and
  5. computational trust.

I am interested to enable such autonomus systems to operate in rapidly unfolding situations without any human intervention. A great inspiration of my work is based on problem solving in nature, psychology, physiology, and anthropology.

Teaching activities

I am currently teaching the following courses:

  1. Software Engineering
  2. Computer Games Technologies
  3. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

Selected publications

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