Aarhus University Seal


Employees at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University.

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Building
Agarwala, Shweta Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics shweta@ece.au.dk +4593521874 5125, 212
Ahangarkiasari, Mohammad Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering ahangar100@ece.au.dk 5125
Ahler, Lucas Christesen Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering lca@ece.au.dk 5125, 100
Ahmadi, Naime Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology naimeahmadi@ece.au.dk +4522114964 5121, 225
Alrøe, Michael Group Leader, Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics ma@ece.au.dk +4541893243 5125, 214
Amarasinghe, Yasith Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics yasith@ece.au.dk 5125, 219
Amer, Abdel Hakim Khaled Saad Amin PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning abdelhakim@ece.au.dk 5125, 300
Andersen, Mikkel Schmidt PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems msa@ece.au.dk 5123, 323
Andresen, Björn Professor (Docent) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology bjra@ece.au.dk +4593508115 5120, 217
Antonsen, Mads Mørch PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering m.m.a@ece.au.dk
Asif, Muhammad Rizwan Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning rizwanasif@ece.au.dk +4560909831 5125, 318
Assenholm, Jacob Brinth Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison jba@ece.au.dk 5123, 423
Baghaee Ivriq, Saeed Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics baghaee.s@ece.au.dk
Bandaru, Narendra Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics narendra.bandaru@ece.au.dk 5125, 219
Banluesombatkul, Nannapas Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering nannapas@ece.au.dk 5125, 121
Barbu, Corneliu Professor (Docent) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology coba@ece.au.dk +4593521325 5120, 221
Bendtsen, Jens Magnus Horsted Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics jmhb@ece.au.dk 5125, 200
Bennedsen, Jens Professor (Docent) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison jbb@ece.au.dk +4541893090 5123, 420
Bertelsen, Astrid Rands Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering arb@ece.au.dk 5125, 328
Bjerge, Kim Group Leader, Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning kbe@ece.au.dk +4541893264 5125, 308
Bochtis, Dionysis Senior Researcher Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation - Foulum dionysis.bochtis@au.dk +4524260143
Borges, Heidi Bliddal Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering hebl@ece.au.dk 5125, 331
Boudjadar, Jalil Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems jalil@ece.au.dk +4593508726 5123, 413
Cai, Xiao Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation xiao.cai@ece.au.dk 5123, 216
Can Türk, Mehmet PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison mct@ece.au.dk
Ceri, Ibrahim Administrator/Journalist Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing Systems - Skjern ice@ece.au.dk +4550110065
Cheng, Hei Victor Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation hvc@ece.au.dk 5123, 223
Christensen, Christian Bech Member of Administrative Staff Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering cbc@ece.au.dk 5125, 329
Christensen, Flemming Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning flech@ece.au.dk 5125
Christensen, Rasmus Rolighed Electrician Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE - Shannon rrc@ece.au.dk +4593521032 5122
Comoglio, Jacopo Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering jc@ece.au.dk 5125, 328
Dahl, Mads Kofod Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics mkd@ece.au.dk 5125, 211
Dalsgaard, Litte Special Consultant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE litte@ece.au.dk +4593521447 5120, 126
Damgaard, Andreas Tind PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering tind@ece.au.dk 5125, 331
Danielsen, Brian Assistant Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering bvd@ece.au.dk +4593521964
Davidsen, Rasmus Schmidt Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics rasda@ece.au.dk +4593522742 5125, 216
Dornonville de la Cour, Jonas Member of Administrative Staff Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems jonaslacour@ece.au.dk 5123, 322
Dose, Christina Kirkegaard Secretariat Staff Member Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Sekretariat, ECE - Finlandsgade ckd@ece.au.dk +4541893016 5125, 213
Drysdale, Andy Senior Consulent Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering adr@ece.au.dk +4530271723 5125, 224
Duan, Bowen Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering bduan@ece.au.dk 5125, 328
Elm, Rasmus Assistant Engineer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE - Shannon rae@ece.au.dk +4541893057 5789, 5
Esfahani, Zahra Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology z.esf@ece.au.dk +4593521053 5121, 224
Eskildsen, Daniel Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning de@ece.au.dk 5125, 311
Esmailbeygi, Hossein Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics hossein.esmailbeygi@ece.au.dk 5125, 211
Esterle, Lukas Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems lukas.esterle@ece.au.dk +4522464893 5123, 414
Evans, Valdemar Tang Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation valdemar.tang@ece.au.dk 5123, 216
Fares, Hoda Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics hfares@ece.au.dk 5125, 203
Farhadinia, Fataneh Member of Administrative Staff Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics f.farhadinia@ece.au.dk 5125, 200
Farkhani, Hooman Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics farkhani@ece.au.dk +4593522216 5125, 201B
Fathollahidehkordi, Arman Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology arman.f@ece.au.dk 5120, 224
Fernández Khatiboun, Darío PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics dariofk@ece.au.dk 5125, 203
Frasheri, Mirgita Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison mirgita.frasheri@ece.au.dk 5123, 424
Fridorf, Oliver Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics fridorf@ece.au.dk 5125
Frigaard, Carsten Eie Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning cef@ece.au.dk +4593508765 5125, 301A
Gao, Yuchen PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation yuchen@ece.au.dk 5123, 216
Gårdbæk, Bjarke Lundgaard Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering blg@ece.au.dk 5125, 331
Gardner, Asger Brimnes PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering aga@ece.au.dk 5125, 100
Ghassabi, Kiana PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation kg@ece.au.dk 5123, 224
Ghouchani, Arman PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics aghouchani@ece.au.dk 5125, 203
Gil Arboleda, Santiago Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems sgil@ece.au.dk 5123, 323
Godoy, Pedro Henrique Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering pedrogodoy@ece.au.dk 5125, 100
Gonçalves Gomes, Cláudio Ângelo Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems claudio.gomes@ece.au.dk +4593522981 5123, 425
Gregersen, Torben Temporary Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering tg@ece.au.dk +4523707148 5125
Sørensen, Claus Aage Grøn Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation claus.soerensen@ece.au.dk +4522827547 8210, 41
Gul, Sikender Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning sigu@ece.au.dk 5125, 319
Hajek, Jørn Martin Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison haj@ece.au.dk +45 93521087 5123, 426
Hallerstede, Stefan Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems sha@ece.au.dk 5123, 411
Han, Zhengli Tenure Track Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics zhha@ece.au.dk +4593521000 5125, 216
Hansen, Jesper Høgh Stengaard Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology - Turing jhsh@ece.au.dk +4551670380 8003, 3107
Hansen, Søren Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison sh@ece.au.dk +4541893340 5123, 425
Hardenberg, Michel Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning hardenberg@ece.au.dk 5125, 317
Hassan Hire, Jaamac Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics jhh@ece.au.dk 5125, 204
Hatamzadeh, Elham Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics elham.hatamzadeh@ece.au.dk 5125, 203
Heick, Rune Arbjerg Hardware/software engineer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - ORBIT Lab rah@ece.au.dk +4520957261 5120, 126
Hjørnholm, Thea Qvist External lecturer DVIP Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering tqh@ece.au.dk
Højland, Rune Baun Student Teacher Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering hoejland@chem.au.dk 5125
Homayounzadeh, Maryam Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology mh@ece.au.dk +4522435931 5120, 212
Howard, Michel Vedel Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems michel.howard@ece.au.dk 5123, 426
Hurst, Aaron Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation ah@ece.au.dk 5123, 224
Isasa Martin, Carlos Ignacio PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering cisasa@ece.au.dk 5123, 326
Jacobsen, Rune Hylsberg Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation rhj@ece.au.dk +4541893252 5123, 215
Jakobsen, Hans Christian Bøgelund Workshop manager Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE hcbj@ece.au.dk +4540231998 5125, 223
Jakobsen, Morten Opprud Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics - Herning morten@ece.au.dk +4521367053 8003, 3197
Jakobsen, Nikolaj Kühne PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems nkj@ece.au.dk 5123, 326
Jakobsen, Uffe Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology uja@ece.au.dk +4522832770 5120, 216
Jensen, Allan Leck Senior Researcher Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation alj@ece.au.dk +4522161662 8210, 40
Jensen, Christian Damsgaard Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems cdj@ece.au.dk +4522187929 5123, 416
Jensen, Claes Eske Harbo PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning claes@ece.au.dk 5125, 313
Jensen, Claes Hjortsberg Romlov Assistant Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering chrj@ece.au.dk 5125
Jensen, Finn Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology finn.jensen@ece.au.dk +4593508759 5120, 219
Jensen, Sita Malene Secretariat Staff Member Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Sekretariat, ECE - Finlandsgade sitajensen@ece.au.dk +4520691745 5125, 220
Jensen, Søren Brun Electrician Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE - Shannon sbrun@ece.au.dk +4593508695 5789, 13
Jensen, Torben Lund Electrician Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE - Shannon tlj@ece.au.dk +4541893055 5789, 11
Johansen, Lars G. Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning lgj@ece.au.dk +4541893274 5125, 309
Johansen, Peter Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering pj@ece.au.dk +4541893234 5125, 322
Jørgensen, Asbjørn Cortnum Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics acj@ece.au.dk 5125, 219
Jørgensen, Rasmus Nyholm Senior Researcher Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning rnj@ece.au.dk +4520610552 5125, 304
Juelsgaard, Morten Winther Assistant Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering moju@ece.au.dk
Kappel, Simon Lind Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering slk@ece.au.dk +4520693456 5125, 329
Karstoft, Henrik Professor (Docent) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning hka@ece.au.dk +4541893270 5125, 312
Kayacan, Erdal Honorary Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning erdal@ece.au.dk +4593521062
Khare, Rupali Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems rupali.khare@ece.au.dk 5123, 321
Khawaja, Wahab Ali Gulzar Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation wahabgulzar@ece.au.dk 5123, 218
Khooban, Mohammad Hassan Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology khooban@ece.au.dk +4593521836 5120, 212
Khosravani moghadam, Erfan Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation - Foulum erfan.khosravani@ece.au.dk 8210, 45
Kidmose, Preben Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering pki@ece.au.dk +4541893321 5125, 324
Kies, Alexander Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology kies@ece.au.dk 5120, 215
Kim, Jung Min Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems jmk@ece.au.dk +4540824227 5123, 422
Kirk, Henrik Bitsch Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison henrik@ece.au.dk +4593508832 5123, 425
Kirkegaard, Mikkel PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems mik@ece.au.dk 5123, 323
Kirkelund, Gunvor Elisabeth Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning gek@ece.au.dk +4523244756 5125, 301A
Kjær, Martin Ansbjerg Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning mak@ece.au.dk +4593508878 5125, 305
Kjeldsen, Henrik Daniel Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering hdk@ece.au.dk +4522851000 5125, 325
Knudsen, Mikael Bergholz Head of Department Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering mbk@ece.au.dk +4521745355 5125, 228
Kokkinis, Georgios Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation gkokkinis@ece.au.dk 8003, 3107
Koolivand, Yarallah Senior Chip Designer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics y.koolivand@ece.au.dk 5125, 217
Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard Member of Administrative Staff Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation - Foulum erikf.kristensen@ece.au.dk +4587157659 8210, 31
Kristensen, Jens Kr Agricultural Technician Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation - Foulum jkk@ece.au.dk +4587157627 8210, 31
Kristensen, Jesper Michael Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics jmkr@ece.au.dk +4560616066 5125, 208
Kristensen, Morten Haahr Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison mhk@ece.au.dk 5123, 326
Kuldeep, Gajraj Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation gkuldeep@ece.au.dk 5123, 218
Larsen, Jakob Juul Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning jjl@ece.au.dk +4541893273 5125, 310
Larsen, Peter Gorm Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems pgl@ece.au.dk +4541893260 5123, 418
Laursen, Kjeld Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics laursen@ece.au.dk 5125, 206
Lebiecka-Johansen, Patrycja Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering patrycja@ece.au.dk 5125, 331
Lehmann, Anders Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology - Turing anders@ece.au.dk +4587166951 8003, 3107
Lemming, Jakob Durinck Senior consultant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing Systems - Skjern jle@ece.au.dk +4593511580
Lemvik, Ane Nykjær Secretariat Staff Member Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Sekretariat, ECE - Finlandsgade anel@ece.au.dk +4520695975 5125, 218
Leth, Pernille Mønster PA to HoD Department of Management pml@mgmt.au.dk +4561968688 2610, 330
Loft, Michael Sørensen Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics ml@ece.au.dk +4520996769 5125, 206
Lomholdt, Kristian Peter Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology - Turing krlo@ece.au.dk +4541411083 8003, 3107
Lomholt, Ole Temporary Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ollo@ece.au.dk
Lucani Rötter, Daniel Enrique Deputy Head of department for talent development and external fu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering daniel.lucani@ece.au.dk +4593508763 5123, 211
Lysgaard, Per Deputy Head of department for education Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering perl@ece.au.dk +4523826263 5125, 226
Macedo, Hugo Daniel Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems hdm@ece.au.dk +4552693477 5123, 422
Madsen, Inge Cort External lecturer DVIP Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering madsen@ece.au.dk
Madsen, Jesper Guldsmed Administrator/Journalist Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics jesper.madsen@ece.au.dk +4522782155 5125
Mandrup, Lars Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning lma@ece.au.dk +4541893232 5125, 301B
Martensen, Freia Secretariat Staff Member (on maternity leave) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Sekretariat, ECE - Finlandsgade fhm@ece.au.dk +4593508732 5125, 220
Masoudian, Ali PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology masoudian@ece.au.dk 5121, 215
Mendes, Emilia Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison eme@ece.au.dk 5123, 416
Merhi, Youssif PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics youssifm@ece.au.dk
Michaelsen, Lone Secretariat Staff Member Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Sekretariat, ECE - Finlandsgade lonem@ece.au.dk +4522612874 5125, 218
Midtgaard, Jan
Mikkelsen, Camilla Head of Secretariat Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Sekretariat, ECE - Finlandsgade cammik@ece.au.dk +4551442671 5125, 222
Mikkelsen, Kaare Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering mikkelsen.kaare@ece.au.dk +4560612038 5125, 327
Mikkelsen, Peter Høgh Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison phm@ece.au.dk +4541893245 5123, 424
Miranda, Jorge Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering jmiranda@au.dk 5125, 323
Mittún, Birgitte Just External lecturer DVIP Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering bimj@ece.au.dk
Mohammadi, Mohammadhossein PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics moh@ece.au.dk 5125, 211
Møller, Karen External lecturer DVIP Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering kamo@ece.au.dk
Møller, Simon Mølgaard Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology - Turing smm@ece.au.dk +4593522276 8003, 3107
Møller Dath, Søren Technical Lab, Manager Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE smd@ece.au.dk +4593522281 5120, 124
Moradi, Farshad Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics moradi@ece.au.dk +4541893344 5125, 210
Morante Moreno, Manuel Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning morante@ece.au.dk 5125, 313
Mortensen, Henrik Agricultural Technician Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation - Foulum henrik.mortensen@ece.au.dk +4587157871 8210, 43
Mortensen, Lars Member of Administrative Staff Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison lamo@ece.au.dk +4541893237 5123, 426
Mosalmani, Alireza Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics a.mosalmani@ece.au.dk 5125, 200
Motadayen, Mahboubeh PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics mahboubeh.motadayen@ece.au.dk 5125, 209
Naseri, Farshid Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology fna@ece.au.dk +4520891398 5121, 215
Nazari, Mojtaba PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning m.nazari@ece.au.dk 5125, 313
Nehru, Devabharathi Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics devabharathi.nehru@ece.au.dk 5125, 209
Nguyen, Nhan Duc Thanh Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering ndtn@ece.au.dk 5125, 328
Nielsen, Arne Nørskov Administrator/Journalist Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning arne.noerskov@ece.au.dk
Nielsen, Gustav Kastrup Assistant Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering au254043@ece.au.dk
Nielsen, Rasmus Secretariat Staff Member Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Sekretariat, ECE - Finlandsgade rani@ece.au.dk +4593522663 5125, 220
Nielsen, Søren H. Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning shn@ece.au.dk +4525262658
Nielsen, Thomas Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering tn@ece.au.dk +4593508284 5125, 325
Nissen, Kari Konstantin Part-time Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering kari@ase.au.dk
Nissen, Søren Apprentice Electrician Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Workshop, ECE s-nissen@ece.au.dk +4593588329 5789, 13
Nørremark, Michael Senior Advisor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation - Foulum michael.norremark@ece.au.dk +4521846047 8210, 42
Oleksiienko, Illia Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning io@ece.au.dk 5125, 311
Olsen, Henrik Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning ho@ece.au.dk +4541893242 5125, 227
Øvad, Tina Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering tinaoe@ece.au.dk +4520607990 5125, 327
Pasic, Emir Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology emir.pasic@ece.au.dk +4522838384 5120, 214
Pedersen, Christian Fischer Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning cfp@ece.au.dk +4541893318 5125, 314
Pedersen, Jørgen Houe Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology jhp@ece.au.dk +4593522302 5120, 215
Pedersen, Louise Thostrup PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Biomedical Engineering ltp@ece.au.dk +4520641847
Pedersen, Pernille Klarskov Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics klarskov@ece.au.dk +4593521158 5125, 225
Petersen, Jesper Askov Bonde Project Manager Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering jesper.askov@ece.au.dk +4593508948 5120, 124
Pham, Xuan Huy Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning huy.pham@ece.au.dk 5125, 317
Picón, Ginés Carreto Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning gcp@ece.au.dk
Piozin, Corentin Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics cpiozin@ece.au.dk 5125, 205
Post, Rasmus Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology rasmus_post@ece.au.dk +4527782828 5120, 218
Qazi, Muhammad Azlan PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation maq@ece.au.dk 5123, 224
Rafiei Foroushani, Mehdi Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation rafiei@ece.au.dk 5125, 319
Raj, Ravish Kumar Research Assistant Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics ravish@ece.au.dk 5125
Rasool, Saqib Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Communication, Control and Automation src@ece.au.dk +4520944320 5123, 218
Ray, Abhisek Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning ar@ece.au.dk 5125, 311
Rehman, Abdul PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering abdul@ece.au.dk 5125, 203
Rehman, Naveed Ur Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning naveed.rehman@ece.au.dk 5125, 306
Rezaei, Nazkhanom Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electrical Energy Technology nre@ece.au.dk +4521745155 5120, 213
Rezaeiyan, Yasser Senior Researcher Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics yrezaeiyan@ece.au.dk +4522411291 5125, 201A
Richter, Simon Research Fellow Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics siri@ece.au.dk 5125, 200
Rohde, John Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics jr@ece.au.dk +4541893251 5125, 229
Ronchini, Margherita Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics m.ronchini@ece.au.dk +4521142746 5125, 203
Rovsing, Poul Ejnar Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Software Engineering & Computing systems - Edison per@ece.au.dk +4541893267 5123, 412
Sadeghi, Maryam PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics sadeghi@ece.au.dk
Sah, Dheeraj Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Electronics and Photonics dsah@ece.au.dk 5125
Salavatidezfouli, Sajad Postdoc Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Signal Processing and Machine learning s.salavati@ece.au.dk 5125