Slight fall in quota 2 applicants for the engineering degree programmes
Nearly 500 applicants have Aarhus University as their first choice. The programmes with winter admission are particularly popular.

The deadline for applying for admission to a higher education programme via quota 2 has just expired, and AU Engineering has received a total of 489 first-choice applications this year. That is 32 fewer than last year.
The other four faculties at Aarhus University have seen an increase in the number of first-choice applicants.
Read the news article: Almost 6,000 young people would prefer to study at Aarhus University
The slight fall in applicants for AU Engineering is most pronounced for the Bachelor of Engineering and the BScEng programmes in biotechnology and chemical engineering. The programmes with winter admission have seen the greatest increase.
Also the new BScEng programmes in civil and architectural engineering and in mechanical engineering have seen increases.
The vice-dean for the faculty of Technical Sciences, Finn Borchsenius, thinks it is too early to say anything final about the 2021 admissions on the engineering degree programmes. He is looking forward to the application deadline for quota 1.
"We don't know the final number of applicants yet. We'll have to wait until summer to know this. I hope that more young people will see the opportunities offered by an engineering degree, and I'm confident they will. They know that we need more engineers to tackle the major challenges facing society in relation to climate, digital transformation and health, for example," he says.
The total number of applications for engineering degree programmes at Aarhus University will be announced in July once the deadline for applications via quota 1 expires at 12:00 on 5 July.
The faculty of Technical Sciences has received 500 first-choice applications; a drop of 8 per cent compared with 2020.
A total of 489 people have applied for an engineering degree programme, while 11 have applied for admission on the degree programme in agrobiology.
Quota 2 applications for the Bachelor of Engineering programmes have increased by 1 per cent at national level, while the MScEng programmes have seen a 1 per cent drop.
Aarhus University has received a total of 5,987 quota 2 applications (first choice). This represents an increase of 12 per cent compared with 2020.
This is how the applications for Aarhus University distribute across the five faculties:
Arts has received 1,578 first-choice applications. This is more than last year, with increases for anthropology, history, cognitive science and several of the linguistic degree programmes, etc.
Aarhus BSS has received 2,171 first-choice applications. This is more than last year, and the increase is particularly evident for economics and business administration (BSc), law and psychology.
Health has received 1,338 first-choice applications. This is more than last year, and the increase is seen for odontology and public health science, for example.
Natural Sciences has received 400 first-choice applications. This is the same as last year. Applications for biology, geoscience and molecular biology have increased, while applications for mathematics, economics, chemistry and IT programmes have decreased.
Technical Sciences has received 500 first-choice applications. This is fewer than last year. Some programmes have seen a decrease while others have seen an increase. More people have applied for the new BScEng programmes in civil and architectural engineering and mechanical engineering, for example, while fewer people have applied for biotechnology and for food technology, for example.