Aarhus University Seal

Exciting photonics projects await you!

Join the Group of Integrated Photonics and take part in exciting research at the forefront of lightwave technologies. Whether you’re interested in exploring innovative topics or collaborating with experts, we offer diverse projects designed to support your academic growth and career aspirations.

For more details and guidance on how to get started, feel free to contact Nicolas Volet. Let’s explore the possibilities together!

Bachelor's project in Electrical Engineering (15 ECTS)

Course objective

The Bachelor's project in Electrical Engineering is an opportunity for students to engage in independent scientific research, which may include experimental studies. The project is designed to develop critical thinking, scientific rigor, and specialized knowledge in your chosen area of study.

Learning outcomes

By completing this Bachelor's project, students will be able to:

  • Define and analyze scientific problems in their field.
  • Address these problems using theoretical and/or experimental methods.
  • Apply scientific techniques to complete a focused project.
  • Critically evaluate and discuss findings in a scientific context.
  • Effectively communicate results in both Danish and English.

Collaborate with our group to select a 15 ECTS topic that aligns with your interests. Reach out by email to schedule a meeting and explore your options.

R&D projects in Electrical Engineering (5 or 10 ECTS)

Course objective

This project allows Master's students to engage in research-based work, either individually or in pairs, within a university setting, a company, or a collaboration between the two. Projects focus on tackling real-world problems through theoretical or experimental approaches. Students take the lead in defining the project scope in collaboration with their supervisors and, if applicable, an industry partner.

Learning outcomes

By completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify and formulate a scientific problem through a literature survey.
  • Develop and test hypotheses.
  • Organize and execute research using scientific methodologies.
  • Analyze and present results in a professional scientific context.

Flexible options

Students can tailor their R&D project experience during the Master's cycle by selecting:

Individual projects in Physics (5 ECTS)

Course objective

The purpose of the project is to enable the student to study special topics in experimental or theoretical physics. The topics are chosen in cooperation with a project supervisor, and the project is described by a short title. Through the work on the project the student will be given an understanding of the techiques, results and concepts of the chosen topic.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the project, and within its topics, the student should be able to:

  • Formulate problems within a limited subtopic
  • Analyse the problems
  • Work on the problems
  • Convey the results found.

During the Master's cycle, you have the option to select 5 ECTS, and whether the project is purely academic at the univerity or in collaboration with a company. See this link.


Embark on a journey of academic exploration with a thesis, culminating in the completion of your Bachelor's or Master's degree. Delve into a diverse array of topics, each designed to challenge and inspire you. Whether you're interested in pursuing a MSc thesis in Electrical Engineering or Physics, or a BSc project, we invite you to reach out for more information.

Explore the possibilities and take the next step towards your academic goals today.

Explore the achievements of our students through the links below: