Aarhus University Seal

EMode Photonix

EMode Photonix is a software that solves the waveguide eigenmodes using the finite difference method (FDM).

We have the opportunity to use it for our courses:

The Finite-Difference Eigenmode (FDE) solver calculates the spatial profile and frequency dependence of modes by solving Maxwell's equations on a cross-sectional mesh of the waveguide.  The solver calculates the mode field profiles, effective index, and loss.

For more information about the solver and examples of codes, please visit EMode documentation.


EMode presentation: PDFPPT
Finite difference method (FDM): PDF


The software needs a Python or Matlab environment to run, the exercise scripts are in Python.
Programs that can be used for free to program in that has been tested with EMode includes PyCharm, Spyder, Visual studio code.

To get started follow the EMode guide, or the following:

1. Access the website to create a user and click "Get EMode".
You can select up to two free licenses.

2. After creating an account, an email will be sent to verify your account. The license will not work before this.

3. Install the EMode software, (System requirements: Windows 10).
- If the installer won't open, do the following:
  Right click on the installation file --> Properties --> Unblock --> Apply.

4. Setup the script environment by installing the library package "emodeconnection".
Notice: "The iPython shell is not supported, so Anaconda users must change their default console preferences to run using an external system terminal. "

5. Login by either of the following methods:
– Open "Emodelogin".
– Open the command prompt and type "Emode".
– Copy the example from step 6 and run the code to trigger the login prompt.

6. Copy an example such as Basic: SOI, and run the code.

If there are no licenses available after you have logged in, please send in a bug report in the EMode Photonix contact form.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about EMode Photonix, please send an email to Emil Zanchetta Ulsig.