Rouhani, S. H., Su, C.-L., Mobayen, S., Esmaeili Shayan, M.
, Khooban, M. H. & Elsisi, M. (2024).
Barrier-Function Adaptive Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking Controls for Cyber Resilience in Smart Grids Under an Electricity Market Environment.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
15(6), 6031-6047.
Liu, B., Wang, Y., Mofid, O., Mobayen, S.
& Khooban, M. H. (2024).
Barrier Function-Based Backstepping Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Control for Quad-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle under External Disturbances.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
60(1), 716-728.
Gheisarnejad Chirani, M., Sharifzadeh, M., S. Sadabadi , M., Portillo, R.
, Khooban, M. H., Franquelo, L. G. & Al-Haddad, K. (2024).
Design of Ultra-Local Model Control Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Nine-Packed E-Cell.
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics,
Lotfi, A., Maalandish, M., Aghaei, A., Samadian, A., Fathollahi, A., Hosseini, S. H.
& Khooban, M. H. (2024).
Novel multilevel inverter topology with low switch count.
International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems,
25(3), 305-319.
Pajooh, B., Yildirim, B., Rouhi Ardeshiri, R., Gheisarnejad Chirani, M.
, Homayounzadeh, M. & Khooban, M. H. (2024).
Role of redox flow battery and AI-based controller in frequency regulation of weak microgrids.
Journal of Energy Storage,
84(Part B), Article 110904.
Heidary, J., Oshnoei, S.
, Gheisarnejad Chirani, M., Khalghani, M. R.
& Khooban, M. H. (2024).
Shipboard Microgrid Frequency Control Based on Machine Learning Under Hybrid Cyberattacks.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
71(7), 7136-7146.
Faraji, B., Paghaleh, S. M.
, Gheisarnejad, M., Khooban, M. H. & Senior Member, IEEE (2024).
Simultaneous control of rigidity and hand tremor by adaptive fuzzy Q-learning.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
130, Article 107670.
Maalandish, M., Hosseini, S. H., Sabahi, M., Rostami, N.
& Khooban, M. H. (2024).
Soft-switching multiport DC-DC converter for PV/EV applications with a bidirectional port.
IET Renewable Power Generation,
18(12), 1862-1879.
Lin, P.-C., Abbaszadeh, E., Mobayen, S., Rouhani, S. H., Su, C.-L., Haddad-Zarif, M.
& Khooban, M. H. (2024).
Soft variable structure fractional sliding-mode control for frequency regulation in renewable shipboard microgrids.
Ocean Engineering,
296, Article 117065.
Gheisarnejad Chirani, M., Mirzavand, G., Rouhi Ardeshiri, R.
, Andresen, B. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Adaptive Speed Control of Electric Vehicles Based on Multi-Agent Fuzzy Q-Learning.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence,
7(1), 102-110.
Taheri, M., Chen, Y., Zhang, C., Berardehi, Z. R., Roohi, M.
& Khooban, M. H. (2023).
A finite-time sliding mode control technique for synchronization chaotic fractional-order laser systems with application on encryption of color images.
285, Article 170948.
Oshnoei, S., Aghamohammadi, M. R., Oshnoei , S., Sahoo, S.
, Fathollahidehkordi, A. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
A novel virtual inertia control strategy for frequency regulation of islanded microgrid using two-layer multiple model predictive control.
Applied Energy,
343, Article 121233.
Maalandish, M., Hosseini, S. H., Sabahi, M., Rostami, N.
& Khooban, M. H. (2023).
B-MIMO high step-up DC/DC converter with high capability to control inputs.
IET Power Electronics,
16(9), 1499-1513.
Sepehrzad, R., Ghafourian, J., Hedayatnia, A., Al-Durrad, A.
& Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Experimental and developed DC microgrid energy management integrated with battery energy storage based on multiple dynamic matrix model predictive control.
Journal of Energy Storage,
74(Part A), Article 109282.
Mohseni, S.-R., Jahanshahi Zeitouni, M., Parvaresh, A., Abrazeh, S.
, Gheisarnejad Chirani, M. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
FMI real-time co-simulation-based machine deep learning control of HVAC systems in smart buildings: Digital-twins technology.
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,
45(4), 661-673.
Mahmoudi, A., Khezri, R., Bidram, A.
, Khooban, M., Aki, H., Khalilpour, K., Abdeltawab, H. & Muyeen, S. M. (2023).
Guest editorial: Application of cloud energy storage systems in power systems.
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution,
17(8), 1687-1689.
Maalandish, M., Hosseini, S. H., Sabahi, M., Rostami, N.
& Khooban, M. H. (2023).
High step-up multi input–multi output DC–DC converter with high controllability for battery charger/EV applications.
IET Power Electronics,
16(15), 2606-2623.
Rasooli Berardehi, Z., Zhang , C., Taheri, M., Roohi, M.
& Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Implementation of T-S fuzzy approach for the synchronization and stabilization of non-integer-order complex systems with input saturation at a guaranteed cost.
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,
45(13), 2536-2553.
Khezri, R., Razmi, P., Mahmoudi, A., Bidram, A.
& Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Machine Learning-based Sizing of a Renewable-Battery System for Grid-Connected Homes with Fast-Charging Electric Vehicle.
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,
14(2), 837-848.
Fathollahidehkordi, A., Gheisarnejad Chirani, M., Boudjadar, J., Derakhshandeh, S. Y.
& Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Multi-Criteria Design of Electric Transit Bus Based on Wireless Charging Infrastructure: A Case Study of Real Road Map in Wakefield.
Automation ,
4(3), 291-308.
Yildirim, B., Razmi, P.
, Fathollahidehkordi, A., Gheisarnejad Chirani, M. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Neuromorphic deep learning frequency regulation in stand-alone microgrids.
Applied Soft Computing,
144, Article 110418.
Fathollahidehkordi, A., Gheisarnejad Chirani, M., Boudjadar, J., Homayounzadeh, M. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Optimal Design of Wireless Charging Electric Buses-Based Machine Learning: A Case Study of Nguyen-Dupuis Network.
I E E E Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
72(7), 8449-8458.
Fathollahidehkordi, A., Gheisarnejad Chirani, M., Andresen, B., Farsizadeh, H. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Robust Artificial intelligence Controller for Stabilization of Full-Bridge Converters Feeding Constant Power Loads.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,
70(9), 3504-3508.
Mosayebi, M., Gheisarnejad Chirani, M., Farsizadeh, H., Andresen, B. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Smart Extreme Fast Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles-Based Artificial Intelligence.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,
70(2), 586-590.
Maalandish, M., Babaeian, E., Abolhasani, P.
, Gheisarnejad Chirani, M. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Ultra high step-up soft-switching DC/DC converter using coupled inductor and interleaved technique.
IET Power Electronics,
16(8), 1320-1338.
Abrazeh, S., Mohseni, S.-R., Jahanshahi Zeitouni, M., Parvaresh, A., Fathollahi, A.
, Gheisarnejad Chirani, M. & Khooban, M. H. (2023).
Virtual Hardware-in-the-Loop FMU Co-Simulation Based Digital Twins for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence,
7(1), 65-75.