Aarhus University Seal

Employees at Signal Processing & Machine Learning

Are you looking for an employee at Section of Signal Processing & Machine Learning? On this page you can find all the employees associated with the Section of Signal Processing & Machine Learning - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University.

Below you can find a list of all the employees, their name, job title, email, phone-number, and the building at Aarhus University where they are currently working from:

List of Employees

Muhammad Rizwan Asif

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)

Kim Bjerge

Group Leader, Associate Professor

Flemming Christensen

Assistant Professor

Daniel Eskildsen

Research Assistant

Erdal Kayacan

Honorary Associate Professor

Søren H. Nielsen

Associate Professor

Andriy Sarabakha

Tenure Track Assistant Professor

Max Turunen

PhD Student