Aarhus Universitets segl

Emilia Mendes



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1.    Brief Biography

I work as Full Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden).

The core of the research I am involved in is applied and currently falls mostly within Empirical Software Engineering (ESE).

My current research concentrates on four themes: A) Human-centric Software Engineering (HCSE); B) Evidence-based Research in Software Engineering (EBSE); C) Employing Statistical and Machine-Learning techniques to investigate different problems within and outside Software engineering, and D) Value-based Software Engineering.

In relation to theme A, to date I have focused the most on investigating human factors (e.g. personality, human capabilities) and how they relate to team climate, within an Agile Software Development context. Such research results can be used in different ways, as for example, to inform team formation, improve team climate & team management, and to build company-specific, and even cross-company team climate forecasting models. There has also been the implementation of a Web-based capability measurement solution, for use to forecast effort and to support the allocation of developers to projects & tasks. With regards to theme B, I have contributed towards EBSE by means of numerous Systematic Literature Reviews and Mapping Studies in SE; and have also investigated methodological aspects relating to EBSE. Examples of the latter are the proposal of a framework to support decision-making relating to whether an SLR should be updated; comparison of search mechanisms for SLR updating and also for SLR searches in general; use of Grounded theory principles for aggregating evidence from SLRs. Regarding theme C, the range of problems to which statistical and Machine-Learning techniques were applied has been to date: Web/Software effort estimation, cross- vs- within-company predictions, team climate forecasting, forecasting the value of strategic decisions within the context of value-based software engineering (VBSE), dementia prognosis, and maintainability prediction. Finally, in relation to theme D, I have carried out both quantitative and qualitative research aiming at supporting software and software-intensive industries improve their value-based decision-making, at all different levels within an organisation (strategic, tactic and operational). To date such research included the development of a bespoke tool to support value-based decision-making, the use of Bayesian network to estimate the value of decisions within a range of software/software-intensive systems’ contexts, stakeholders’ value propositions elicitation and theory building using Grounded Theory, and personality & decision-making style in VBSE.


Finally, with regard to what I consider to be measures of one’s scientific impact and academic reputation, my achievements have been to date the following:

  • Citations and h-index measures, I have received to date 10018 citations[1], with an h-index = 58. Google scholar ranks me as #32 amongst Empirical Software Engineering Scholars.
  • Ranked #20 in the list of top Computer Science Scientists in Sweden in 2023[2]
  • Amongst the top 2% scientists in the world based on career citations (2019, 2020, and 2022 datasets)[3]; and the only female included in this list for 2022, for Sweden and Software Engineering.
  • Research Grants: I have been awarded, as either Research Leader, or Collaborator, 11.921.603 EUR.
  • Received nine best paper awards at international conferences.
  • General Chair EASE 2017, one of the two most prestigious conferences in Empirical Software Engineering.
  • Program Committee (PC) Co-Chair for the two most prestigious conferences in Empirical Software Engineering (EASE 2012, and ESEM 2012); Euromicro/SEAA PC Co-Chair 2015.
  • Editorial board membership of some of the leading journals in the field of Software Engineering. Currently editorial board member of Information and Software Technology, and ACM Computing Surveys. Former editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, the Software Quality Journal, and Empirical Software Engineering Journal.
  • PC membership of 200+ events, representing editions of 55+ International & regional conferences, 25+ international & regional workshops, and others (e.g. summer schools).



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