Aarhus University Seal


Use of RESCUE Lab

It is possible to borrow equipment in the room. Contact the laboratory manager to find out more.

Facilities and analytical equipment

  • Oscilloscopes
  • Power analyser 6 channel
  • Power analyser 3 channel
  • High voltage tester up to 15 KV
  • Climatic chamber -40 – 150 degrees 0-95 % humidity
  • Battery system – 20 kW
  • Frequency converter 20 kW – Island operation
  • Frequency converter 50 kW – island operation and 50 / 60 Hz operation
  • Thermal camera
  • Voltage probes & Current probes   1500 V & 300 A
  • Solarpanels & measurement systems

The laboratory is used for testing and analysis in connection with:

  • Education
  • Research and innovation
  • Project work

The laboratory is primarily used within the field of Electrical Energy Technology.

RESCUE stands for:

  • Regenerative
  • Energy
  • System Integration
  • &
  • Control Laboratory
  • Under
  • Electrical Energy Technology  


Finlandsgade 27C, 8200 Aarhus N

  • Building 5364

Contact Laboratory manager

Employees in the laboratory