Aarhus University Seal


Welcome to our group where we are developing new materials, processes and devices to enable electronics that is flexible, biocompatible and biodegradable. Through our research we are addressing challenges in healthcare, wearables, soft robotics and biotechnology. Our research is highly multidisciplinary spanning from material science, electronics engineering, manufacturing, biology to nanotechnology.

Biodegradable and Biocompatible Advanced Materials     


The focus is on development of materials with enhanced and/or novel electronic properties with added functionality of biodegradability for sustainable solutions, and biocompatibility for healthcare applications.  The targeted approach involves use of precursor solutions, nanoparticles or nano-composites, which are tailored for end use as semiconductors, dielectrics or metals.


Printed and Flexible Electronic Devices


We leverage on various printing and processing techniques to fabricate low-cost and sustainable electronic devices on low-temperature substrates. We are investigating fundamental interactions at the interface of nanomaterial ink and substrate to realize frontier devices for sensing, antenna and stimulating electrodes.

Bioelectronics for Healthcare 


Bioelectronic represents a new area of research where electronics and bio-species co-exist in synergy. The coupling of electronics with biology can work in two ways: i) electronic signals can guide the biological events in a controlled environment to influence the existing phenomenon, or ii) nanoelectronic devices can help extract relevant information from biological processes to understand the mechanisms involved. We are trying to understand how inorganic electronic materials interface with biomaterials and biological species to enable novel sensors, biomedical and point-of-care devices.