The project is to be considered as a feasibility study on how to use larger building complexes (residential) as an integrated part of the smart cities via the building’s smart grid functions. The individual building’s smart grid functions can be pooled into larger overall VPPs forming a hierarchy. It is important to develop tools and business models for aggregators, electricity traders, DSOs (Distribution System Operator) and TSOs (transmission system operator) etc. These actors may use the results of this project to form the basis of future economic models that create business opportunities in the intersection between demand response activities and the free market formation.
Furthermore, the results will be used to formulate a recommendation on how to construct future buildings and how existing buildings can be "smart grid-improved" by retrofitting these such that the amount of demand response potential is maximized. The results of this project can be used to develop models for the large number of future energy renovations on the housing stock and function as a tool in the prioritization of focus areas and technology choices.
Additional results will be used in a recommendation on how to involve customers to make them an important and useful asset in future electricity networks to become the “Smart Grid Ready” customers of the future.
An interesting result for the project group may therefore be that the student residence building will be able to minimise the difference in user behaviour by means of its construction and the project's monitoring profile.