Vafamand, N., Asemani, M. H., Dragicevic, T., Blaabjerg, F.
& Khooban, M. H. (2020).
Fuzzy-Observer-Based Predictive Stabilization of DC Microgrids With Power Buffers Through an Imperfect 5G Network.
IEEE Systems Journal,
14(3), 4025-4035. Artikel 9027093.
Hajihosseini, M., Andalibi, M., Gheisarnejad, M., Farsizadeh, H.
& Khooban, M. H. (2020).
DC/DC Power Converter Control-Based Deep Machine Learning Techniques: Real-Time Implementation .
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
35(10), 9971-9977.
Khalghani, M. R., Solanki, J., Solanki, S.
, Khooban, M. H. & Sargolzaei, A. (2021).
Resilient Frequency Control Design for Microgrids Under False Data Injection.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
68(3), 2151-2162. Artikel 9014504.
Letafat, A.
, Rafiei Foroushani, M., Sheikh, M., Afshari-Igder, M.
, Banaei, M., Boudjadar, J. & Khooban, M. H. (2020).
Simultaneous energy management and optimal components sizing of a zero-emission ferry boat.
Journal of Energy Storage,
28, Artikel 101215.
Asadi, S., Khayatian, A., Dehghani, M.
, Vafamand, N. & Khooban, M. H. (2020).
Robust sliding mode observer design for simultaneous fault reconstruction in perturbed Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems using non-quadratic stability analysis.
Journal of Vibration and Control,
26(11-12), 1092-1105. Artikel 1077546319891693.
Sarrafan, N., Zarei, J., Razavi-Far, R., Saif, M.
& Khooban, M. H. (2021).
A Novel On-Board DC/DC Converter Controller Feeding Uncertain Constant Power Loads.
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,
9(2), 1233-1240. Artikel 8948045.
Torabi-Farsani, K., Asemani, M. H., Badfar, F., Vafamand, N.
& Khooban, M. H. (2019).
Robust Mixed μ-synthesis Frequency Regulation in AC Mobile Power Grids.
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification,
5(4), 1182-1189. Artikel 8936372.
Khooban, M. H., Gheisarnejad, M., Farsizadeh, H., Masoudian, A.
& Boudjadar, J. (2020).
A New Intelligent Hybrid Control Approach for DC/DC Converters in Zero-Emission Ferry Ships.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
35(6), 5832-5841. Artikel 8890831.
Mac Dowell, J., Wang, Y., Quint, R., Chi, Y., Ernst, B., Saylors, S., Jacobson, D.
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A Journey Through Energy Systems Integration: Trending Grid Codes, Standards, and IEC Collaboration.
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine,
17(6 ), 79-88. Artikel 8878050.
Andresen, B., Sørensen, P. E., Kocewiak, L., Martin, F., Nielsen, F. B., Dreyer, T. & Ntovolos, K. (2019).
IEC TC 88 WIND POWER GENERATION STANDARDS IN RELATION TO GRID CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS. Afhandling præsenteret på 18 th Wind Integration Workshop 2019 .
Vafamand, N., Mardani, M. M.
, Khooban, M. H., Blaabjerg, F.
& Boudjadar, J. (2019).
Pulsed power load effect mitigation in DC shipboard microgrids: A constrained model predictive approach.
IET Power Electronics,
12(9), 2155-2160.
Vafamand, N.
, Khooban, M. H., Dragicevic, T., Blaabjerg, F.
& Boudjadar, J. (2019).
Robust Non-Fragile Fuzzy Control of Uncertain DC Microgrids Feeding Constant Power Loads.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
34(11), 11300-11308.
Esfahani, Z., Roohi, M., Gheisarnejad, M., Dragicevic, T.
& Khooban, M. H. (2019).
Optimal Non-Integer Sliding Mode Control for Frequency Regulation in Stand-Alone Modern Power Grids.
Applied Sciences,
9(16), Artikel 3411.
Askarpour, M., Aghaei, J.
, Khooban, M. H., Shafie-khah, M. & P.S.Catalão, J. (2019).
Voltage control of critical and non-critical loads in distribution networks with electric spring.
Electric Power Systems Research,
177, Artikel 105988.
Roohi, M.
, Khooban, M. H., Esfahani, Z., Aghababa, M. P.
& Dragicevic, T. (2019).
A switching sliding mode control technique for chaos suppression of fractional-order complex systems.
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,
41(10), 2932-2946.
Rouhi Ardeshiri, R.
, Khooban, M. H., Noshadi, A., Vafamand, N. & Rakhshan, M. (2020).
Robotic manipulator control based on an optimal fractional-order fuzzy PID approach: SiL real-time simulation.
Soft Computing,
24, 3849-3860.
Khooban, M. H., Gheisarnejad, M., Vafamand, N., Jafari, M., Mobayen, S., Dragicevic, T.
& Boudjadar, J. (2019).
Robust Frequency Regulation in Mobile Microgrids: HIL Implementation.
IEEE Systems Journal,
13(4), 4281-4291.
Golmohamadi, H., Keypour, R., Bak-Jensen, B., Pillai, J.
& Khooban, M. H. (2020).
Robust self-scheduling of operational processes for industrial demand response aggregators.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
67(2), 1387-1395.
Vafamand, N.
, Khooban, M. H., Dragicevic, T.
, Boudjadar, J. & Asemani, M. H. (2019).
Time-Delayed Stabilizing Secondary Load Frequency Control of Shipboard Microgrids.
IEEE Systems Journal,
13(3), 3233-3241.