F1Tenth autonomous racing has been conceived at the University of Pennsylvenia in 2016. The goal is to race a track autonomously with only the help of either video or LiDAR. The Aarhus University F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Team has been started in 2022.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Lukas Esterle
The Aarhus University F1Tenth Autonomous Racing Team is lead by Lukas Esterle.
Mirgita Frasheri, Hugo Macedo, Claudio Gomes, and Peter Gorm Larsen support the project.
We are always looking to improve the algorithms of our racing car. If you would like to contribute with control or planning algorithms, machine learning approaches, Digital Twin concepts or your own ideas, please contact Lukas Esterle. It is also possible to do an R&D project, BSc/BEng or MSc thesis in the area of the F1Tenth car!