Aarhus Universitets segl

Cyber-physical systems

Theme focus

The Cyber-phsycial systems (CPS) theme undertakes research focusing on the design, engineering, verification and optimization of cyber-physical systems. Our research combines model-based design and data-driven engineering, and involves the exploration and development of theoretical foundations, modeling and programming, engineering methods, and design tools. This includes development of system models, for both software operation and physical behavior, with different abstractions and fidelity levels for purposes such as system simulation, validation and optimization. CPS Theme has a successful history in building different tools for the engineering of cyber-physical systems such as INTO-CPS, Maestro, Overture. Application domains include agriculture machines, maritime vessels, autonomous systems, building monitoring solutions, etc.

The research and development subjects of CPS Theme are the following:

  • Model-based design:
    • Simulation, validation and performance analysis
    • Concrete execution generation from model
  • Data-driven engineering
  • Runtime engineering
  • Real-time scheduling
  • Optimization
  • Adaptive CPS:
    • Languages and architectures to enable self-adaptivity.
    • Self-adaptation as a result of collaboration between CPSs.
  • (co)-simulation (STH, HDM, HE, DT, MF, LE, CG, PGL, CS)
    • Orchestration algorithms and stability of co-simulations
    • Transfer of state from a co-simulation to another
    • Communication with external components, time discrepancy
  • Software models & architectures
  • Verification & validation
  • Control and state estimation in CPSs
  • Cyber security

Teaching activities

We carry out research-based teaching for different courses at both BSc and MSc levels where students are exposed to the latest findings and cutting-edge technologies from our research projects. Example courses are:

  • BSc CE-Lab1: Robots control programming
  • BSc HW/SW codesign
  • BSc Programming and Modeling
  • MSc Modelling Mission Critical Systems
  • MSc Software Engineering Principles
  • MSc Real-time Embedded Systems


Matlab Simulink
Visual Studio Code

Case studies

  • Agricultural Robot
  • Incubator
  • Robotic Manipulator
  • Maritime transport
  • Road vehicles