Aarhus Universitets segl


Hyperscanning refers to simultaneous physiological measurements from two or more subjects, performed with various sensor types. The hyperscanner is a hardware platform specifically designed for hyperscanning. Over time the platform will be developed to support multimodal physiological recordings. However, the first versions of the platform will focus on electroencephalography (EEG).

Currently, we have finished development of electrodes for the platform. The electrode design is detailed below.

Hyperscanner electrodes

The hyperscanner electrodes have been designed with dry-contact electrode recordings in mind. The electrode design is compact and the electrodes can be mounted in ear-EEG earpieces. They can also be used with electrode gel as sticker electrodes on hairless areas or as cap electrodes in hairy areas of the scalp. Thus, the user can combine scalp EEG and ear-EEG recordings as preferred.

The electrodes are based on a 3D printed housing with a sintered Ag/AgCl electrode pin inserted into the housing and connected to the coaxial wire, as shown below.

The construction is sealed with epoxy glue, to make it waterproof and mechanically robust. The coaxial lead to the electrodes enabled active shielding all the way to the backside of each electrode.

Mechanical drawings of the electrode with measurements are available here.

3D Drawings of the electrode is available here.

If you wish to produce the electrodes for your own research, we would be happy to share addition production details. In that case please contact Simon L. Kappel, slk@ece.au.dk.