Zhao, X., Hosseinzadeh, M., Hudson, N., Khamfroush, H.
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Improving the Accuracy-Latency Trade-off of Edge-Cloud Computation Offloading for Deep Learning Services. I
2020 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2020 - Proceedings Artikel 367470 IEEE.
Brito, A., Fetzer, C., Köpsell, S., Pietzuch, P., Pasin, M., Felber, P., Fonseca, K., Rosa, M., Riella, R., Prado, C., da Costa Carmo, L. F. R.
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Cloud Challenge: Secure End-to-End Processing of Smart Metering Data. I
Proceedings - 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion, UCC Companion 2018 (s. 36-42). Artikel 8605754 IEEE.
Brito, A., Fetzer, C., Köpsell, S., Pietzuch, P., Pasin, M., Felber, P., Fonseca, K., Rosa, M., Gomes-Jr, L., Riella, R., Prado, C., Rust, L. F.
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Secure end-to-end processing of smart metering data.
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Gomes-Jr, L., Taninaka, I. M., Rosa, M., Fonseca, K.
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Inout Secure DB: Maximizing Security for Data INside and OUTside the Database.
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Mukherjee, M., Kumar, S.
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Nielsen, L., Vestergaard, R., Yazdani, N., Talasila, S. R. K. P., Lucani Rötter, D. E. & Sipos, M. (2019).
Alexandria: A Proof-of-concept Implementation and Evaluation of Generalised Data Deduplication. I
2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2019 - Proceedings Artikel 9024368 IEEE.
Taghouti, M., Tömösközi, M., Howeler, M.
, Lucani Rötter, D. E., H. P. Fitzek, F., Bouallegue, A. & Ekler, P. (2019).
Implementation of Network Coding with Recoding for Unequal-sized and Header Compressed Traffic. I
2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC 2019 Artikel 8885446 IEEE.
Taghouti, M.
, Lucani Rötter, D. E., Cabrera, J. A., Reisslein, M., Pedersen, M. V. & H. P. Fitzek, F. (2019).
Reduction of Padding Overhead for RLNC Media Distribution with Variable Size Packets.
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting,
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Hansen, J., Krigslund, J.
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Bridging Inter-flow and Intra-flow Network Coding in Wireless Mesh Networks: From Theory to Implementation.
Computer Networks,
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Lucani Rötter, D. E., Pedersen, M. V., Ruano, D., W. Sørensen, C., Fitzek, F. H. P., Heide, J., Geil, O., Nguyen, VU. & Reisslein, M. (2018).
Fulcrum: Flexible Network Coding for Heterogeneous Devices.
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6, 77890-77910. Artikel 8554264.
Nguyen, VU., Nguyen, G. T., Gabriel, F.
, Lucani Rötter, D. E. & H. P. Fitzek, F. (2018).
Integrating sparsity into Fulcrum codes: Investigating throughput, complexity and overhead. I
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2018 - Proceedings: Proceedings (s. 1-6). IEEE.