Autonomous systems perceive their environment and adapt their own behaviour in order to continuously operate towards their goals. Autonomous Intelligent Systems require more than simple self-adaptation approaches but a deeper understanding of themselves and their environment. As such, we consider both, pure software systems as well as cyber-physical systems, controlled by autonomous software agents, alike. Operating in a dynamic environment and being subject to rapidly unfolding situations, autonomous intelligent systems respond quickly to potentially unknown circumstances.
To accomplish this, such systems bring together several abilities:
Furthermore, to tackle previously unknown situations in the presence of other systems, Autonomous Intelligent Systems will have to
The Autonomous Intelligent Systems group contributes to research in these areas taking inspiration from biology, physics, social science, or psychology. Furthermore, we also develop systems combining existing approaches and techniques to identify shortcomings and unearth future directions of research. Developed tools, mechanisms, and algorithms enable autonomous systems to operate safely and efficiently but also provide feedback and decision support to operators and users.
In our projects we explore fundamental research as well as applications in collaboration with public authorities and various industrial partners.