Aarhus Universitets segl

Cyber-Physical Systems

The cyber-physical systems research group focuses on the design, engineering, verification and optimization of cyber-physical systems. Our research combines model-based design and data-driven engineering, and involves the exploration and development of theoretical foundations, modeling and programming, engineering methods, and design tools. This includes the development of system models, for both software operation and physical behavior, with different abstractions and fidelity levels for purposes such as system simulation, state estimation, monitoring, validation and optimization.

The research group is included in a .... We also collaborate with all the other research groups in the Software Engineering and Computer Systems section,  most of the other sections in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department as well as natioanlly and internationally. 

The lead of the cyber-physical systems research group is Jalil Boudjadar. Jalil is an Associate Professor  who is also member of the AU Centre for Digital Twins and the Formal Methods Europe (FME).

Our research

The application domains of our research include robots, agriculture machines, power systems, autonomous systems, and manufacturing systems.

The core competencies of the CPS research group span over different subjects for the design, modeling and engineering of cyber-physical systems, and include:

  • Model-based engineering and Digital twins
  • State estimation
  • Applied artificial intelligence
  • Data analysis
  • Optimization
  • Robots technology
  • Embedded & hardware programming

What is a cyber-physical system?

A Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is an integration of computational (cyber) processes and physical components. These systems involve the tight coupling of digital computing elements with physical components, enabling them to sense, process, and act in real-time. The computational components sense the state of the system and environment and provide continuous feedback for controlling the physical components and actuating on the environment, with the goal to monitor and improve the physical systems’ overall performance, safety, and reliability


People in the Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group:

Head of research group

Jalil Boudjadar

Lektor Institut for Elektro- og Computerteknologi - Software Engineering & Computing systems

Faculty staff

Head of research group

Jalil Boudjadar

Lektor Institut for Elektro- og Computerteknologi - Software Engineering & Computing systems

Research projects/activities:

Ongoing projects

Previous projects

Teaching Involvement:

  • BSc CE-Lab1: Robots control programming
  • BSc HW/SW codesign
  • MSc Real-time Embedded Systems
  • MSc Modeling and Verification
  • Programming I (C#)
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Project-oriented Programming (C++)
  • SWMSYS Microcontroller systemer
  • SWOPRG Objektbaseret programmering
  • SWMAD Mobile Application Development