AUFF Nova funded project on optogenetics for retinal implants. Collaboration with AU Biomedicine.
Title: ‘BIRD’ project (BIocompatible Retinal prosthesis for restoring visual computations in blinding Diseases)
Duration: 3 years, 2021-2024
Funded by: Novo Nordisk Foundation, Exploratory Synergy Grant
Grand Solutions project funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.
Collaboration with DTU Electro (Photonics), NKT Photonics, DFM, Sunplugged, DeltaPix, Topsil.
EUDP funded project in collaboration with DTU Electro, IPU, ElPlatek and CSEM (Switzerland). In the project we will develop new types of Cu-plated silicon solar cells.
Grand Solutions project funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.
Collaboration with Atlant3D, DTU Electro, IPU, ElPlatek, CSEM, Meyer Burger.