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Projects by Biomedical Engineering

Are you looking for projects that the Section of Biomedical Engineering is currently working on? On this page you can find all projects by the Section of Biomedical Engineering - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University.

Below you can find a list of all current and previous projects of research, their status, mission, and funding:

Bioelectrical Instrumentation and Signal Processing

Project name:  Ear-EEG Sleep Monitor

Duration: October 2017 to September 2021

Granted by: Innovation Fund Denmark

Cardiovascular Instrumentation and Devices

Performance of TAVI valves: What happens when a prosthetic heart valve is implanted in a patient? What impact does it have on the hemodynamic and the biomechanical conditions? Will it affect the work load of the heart and how?

Impact of aortic valve on the stress distribution of the aortic root: Using a custom-made flow simulator, it is now possible to study how aortic surgery may affect the long-term function of the heart. This can potentially lead the way to better treatment for certain heart disease patients.

Medical Devices

Signal Processing and Distributed Computing


We have participated in numerous externally funded research projects within our areas of expertise. Grant sources include Independent Research Fund Denmark, Innovation Fund Denmark, EU FP7, EU Horizon 2020, the AAL Programme, The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), Industriens fond, The Otto Mønsted Foundation, Human first, the Siemens Foundation, and the ERAPERMED programme, . We highly value the contribution and support from our benefactors. Through our activities, we have had the privilege of working in close collaboration with leading partners from industry and academia as well as public sector organizations in Denmark and internationally.


  • Title: WODIA - Personalized Medicine Screening and Monitoring Programme for Pregnant Women Suffering from Preeclampsia and Gestational Hypertension
  • Objective: With the WODIA project we aim to make it safer for women to give birth by identifying and tracking early signs of preeclampsia while it is still preventable with a personalized medicine screening, therapy, and home monitoring service.
  • Role: Biomedical & Pervasive Systerms Research Group with Stefan Wagner is project manager and coordinator, and technical lead
  • Funding: ERAPERMED and Innovation Fund Denmark
  • Partners: Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus Universitetshospital,Gameta Clinic (PL), Gdansk Technical University (PL), Zitec Com (RO) 
  • Planned Results: 1,000 patients will be recruited. .
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  • Title: BESAFE - Early warning by stroke and other adverse events
  • Objective: To develop and validate a detection system using a ambient sensors in the home setting of elderlies who live alone. 
  • Background: Stroke is one of the most frequent causes of death in Denmark and in the western world. We track ordinary human activity and use it to detect the onset of a stroke or other dangerous events.
  • Role: We develop, install, and validate the system with volutneer users. Also, in collaboration with AUH and VIA, we perform a qualitative survey on end-user acceptability and feasibility.
  • Funding: Human FIrst
  • Partners: Aarhus University (ECE and CLIN), Aarhus University Hospital,  VIA University College Aarhus and Holstebro   
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  • Title: Seizure alarm for patients with epilepsy using wearable ECG  
  • Objective: To develop and validate a mobile seizure detection system using a wearable ECG-patch 1) Embedding the seizure detection algorithm in a mobile device (smartphone) 2) Creating smartphone app, which raise alarms when seizures are detected and automatically transmits alarms to family/caregivers 3) Testing of the prototype seizure alarm system in patients with epilepsy emitted in the long-term monitoring units in Aarhus University Hospital and Danish Epilepsy Hospital (phase-3 clinical validation study)
  • Role: We develop and validate the apps for patients, relatives, and professionals. Also, we adapt the existing algorithms developed by Aarhus University Hospital .
  • Funding: Innovationsfonden (IFD)
  • Partners: Aarhus University,  Aarhus University Hospital and Danish Epilepsy Hospital   



  • Title: PRESIDE - Screening for preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Objective: To examine the performance of screening for preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy in an unselected Danish population by combining maternal characteristics, blood pressure, flow in the uterine artery and biochemical markers, and to evaluate the attitude among pregnant women towards this screening.
  • Role: We developed the IT infrastructure and self-measurement stations needed for PRESIDE in collaboration with the other partners and industry vendors.
  • Funding: Rigshospitalet, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Aarhus Universitet
  • Partners: Rigshospitalet, Herlev Hospital, Hvidovre Hospital, Nordsjællands Hospital, Odense Universitetshospital og Aarhus Universitetshospital, Aarhus Uuniversitet
  • Results: More than 8.800 patients where succesfully recruited. One abstract was presented at an international confernece and one journal paper is under submission.
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  • Title: Healthcare Equipment Usage and Context Data (HEUCOD) Smart Industry Project
  • Objective:  To enable private care product vendors and public and private care organizations to better monitor the actual usage of the deployed healthcare technologies using a shared open standard and data collection platform, combing it with added knowledge of the context-of-use    
  • Funding: EU Regional fund, RegionMidt
  • Partners: Pressalit A/S (DK), Lightcare A/S (DK), Medica Services ApS (DK), Aarhus Kommune (DK), Aarhus Universitet (DK.
  • Results: The HEUCOD platform and recommendation was succesfully developed for a range of applications. 
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  • Title: ORASTAR. A Feasibility Study on Using Ambient Assisted Living Technology to Support Toothbrushing Adherence in Elderly with Cognitive Impairments in the Homecare Setting    
  • Objective: To investigate the relevance and feasibility of : 1) new oral care user interfaces for homecare use, 2) new context-aware sensors for creating an enhanced digital model of the users’ activities and status needed for homecare use, 3) an artificial intelligence (AI)-based decision support algorithm for combining sensor data with context data to automatically detect sub-optimal oral care patterns and sending information to caregivers and the elderly themselves, 4) the use of either manually or automatically captured images of the mouth cavity for remote tele-dentistry support
  • Funding: AAL Programme, Innovationfund Denmark (IFD)
  • Partners: AU/ECE (DK), Utviklingscenter for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester (NO), Zitec (RO)
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  • Title: Machine Learning (ML) in Physiotherapy 1/2 (DK: Digitalt Understøttet Bedre Brug af Hjælpemidler)
  • Objective: ML to improve physiotherapy/rehabilitation plans for hospital dischargees
  • Funding: National Organization of Municipalities (DK: KL)
  • Partners: 5: AU/ENG, U. Coll. Nordjylland, Aalborg Municipality, DigiRehab, KL CfV



  • Title: Early Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Joint Destruction
  • Objective: Early RA diagnosis via CT image processing and disease modelling
  • Funding: Faculty of Health, AU
  • Partners: 2: AU/ENG, AUH/Rheumatology



  • Title: ValidAid
  • Objective: Early preeclampsia onset detection via smart sphygmomanometer
  • Funding: RegionMidt, Ministry of Higher Education and Science Grant 1234-12345B_VK  
  • Partners: 2: AU/ENG, Aarhus University Hospital
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  • Title: AAPELE: Algorithms, Architectures & Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments
  • Objective: Networking and knowledge exchange
  • Funding: ICT COST Action IC1303
  • Partners: 64: AU/ENG, University of Oxford, University of Oslo, Aalto University et al.
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  • Title: CareStore: Platform for Seamless Healthcare Device Marketing and Configuration 
  • Objective: To develop a common driver/app-store for health care devices
  • Funding: EU FP7-SME-2012-315158
  • Partners: 6: AU/Dept. of Eng., U. of Minho, ESIGELEC, Romex, Sekoia and SSRG
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  • Title: Connect2Care / UNIK (DK: Ny og Innovativ Teknologi til Kroniske Patienter)
  • Objective: Open standards framework for assisted living for the chronically diseased
  • Funding: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
  • Partners: 17: AU/ENG, U. of Copenhagen, Alexandra Institute, Intel, TDC et al.
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