Koolivand, Y., Mosalmani, A., Rezaeiyan, Y., Esmailbeygi, H., Hatamzadeh, E., Zamani, M. & Moradi, F. (2024).
A 65nm 3mA 0.14-m-Accuracy TDR Based Leak Detection SoC for District Heating Networks with I/C Calibration Technique. I
Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference IEEE.
Koolivand, Y.
, Rezaeiyan, Y., Zamani, M., Akbari, M., Shoaei, O., Tang, K. T.
& Moradi, F. (2024).
A 69MHz-Bandwidth 40V/μ s-Slew-Rate 3n V/√Hz-Noise 4.5 μ V-Offset Chopper Operational Amplifier.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,
71(7), 2977-2988.
Baghaee Ivriq, S., Laursen, K., Møller Jørgensen, A., Mondal, T.
, Zamani, M., Rezaeiyan, Y., Corbett, B.
, Iversen, B. B. & Moradi, F. (2024).
A System-Level Feasibility Study of a Lead-Free Ultrasonically Powered Light Delivery Implant for Optogenetics.
Advanced Intelligent Systems ,
6(3), Artikel 2300527.
Fiorelli, R., Rajabali, M., Mendez-Romero, R., Kumar, A., Litvinenko, A., Serrano-Gotarredona, T.
, Moradi, F., Akerman, J., Linares-Barranco, B. & Peralias, E. (2024).
Spin Hall Nano-Oscillator Empirical Electrical Model for Optimal On-Chip Detector Design.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
71(8), 4920-4925.
Li, R., Rezaeiyan, Y., Böhnert, T., Schulman, A., Ferreira, R.
, Farkhani, H. & Moradi, F. (2024).
Temperature effect on a weighted vortex spin-torque nano-oscillator for neuromorphic computing.
Scientific Reports,
14(1), Artikel 10043.
Rezaeiyan, Y., Kolivand, Y.
, Zamani, M., Shoaei, O.
, Akbari, M., Moradi, F. & Tang, K. T. (2023).
A 4.5 μW Miniaturized 3-Channel Wireless Intra-Cardiac Acquisition System.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems,
17(5), 1097-1110.
Koolivand, Y., Rezayean, Y., Zamani, M., Akbari, M., Shoaei, O., Tang, K. T.
& Moradi, F. (2023).
A 69MHz-Bandwidth 40V/μs-Slew-rate 3nV/√Hz-Noises 4.5μV-Offset Chopper Operational Amplifier. I
2023 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC): Proceedings IEEE.
Rezaeiyan, Y., Lykkeberg Madsen, N., Bohnert, T.
, Zamani, M., Shreya, S., Paz, E.
, Farkhani, H., Ferreira, R.
& Moradi, F. (2023).
A low-noise high-linear wide dynamic-range MTJ-based magnetic field sensor. I
2023 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS) IEEE.
Laursen, K., Zamani, M., Rezaeiyan, Y., Hosseini, S., Mondal, T., Corbett, B., Ouagazzal, A. M., Amalric, M.
& Moradi, F. (2023).
An Ultrasonically-Powered System for 1.06mm3 Implantable Optogenetics and Drug Delivery Dust.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,
70(10), 3937-3941.
Fiorelli, R., Peralías, E., Méndez-Romero, R., Rajabali, M., Kumar, A., Zahedinejad, M., Åkerman, J.
, Moradi, F., Serrano-Gotarredona, T. & Linares-Barranco, B. (2023).
CMOS Front End for Interfacing Spin-Hall Nano-Oscillators for Neuromorphic Computing in the GHz Range.
12(1), Artikel 230.
Glukhov, A., Bridarolli, D., Ricci, S.
, Li, R., Shreya, S., Farkhani, H., Moradi, F. & Ielmini, D. (2023).
Compact Modeling of Resistive Switching Memory (RRAM) With Voltage and Temperature Dependences. I
2023 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) (s. 793-797). IEEE.
Fernández Khatiboun, D., Rezaeiyan, Y., Ronchini, M., Sadeghi, M., Zamani, M. & Moradi, F. (2023).
Digital Hardware Implementation of ReSuMe Learning Algorithm for Spiking Neural Networks. I
2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) IEEE.
Sadat Parvini, T., Paz, E., Böhnert, T., Schulman, A., Benetti, L., Oberbauer, F., Walowski, J.
, Moradi, F., Ferreira, R. & Münzenberg, M. (2023).
Enhancing spin-transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junction devices: Exploring the influence of capping layer materials and thickness on device characteristics.
Journal of Applied Physics,
133(24), Artikel 243902.
Shreya, S., Jenkins, A., Bohnert, T., Ferreira, R.
, Moradi, F. & Farkhani, H. (2023).
Frequency Sensing and Detection using Granular Vortex MTJ Nano Oscillator. Poster session præsenteret på IEEE INTERMAG Conference, Japan.
Shreya, S., Jenkins, A.
, Rezaeiyan, Y., Li, R., Bohnert, T., Benetti, L., Ferreira, R.
, Moradi, F. & Farkhani, H. (2023).
Granular vortex spin-torque nano oscillator for reservoir computing.
Scientific Reports,
13(1), Artikel 16722.
Ronchini, M., Rezaeiyan, Y., Zamani, M., Panuccio, G.
& Moradi, F. (2023).
NET-TEN: a silicon neuromorphic network for low-latency detection of seizures in local field potentials.
Journal of Neural Engineering,
20(3), Artikel 036002.
Ghanatian, H., Benetti, L., Anacleto, P., Böhnert, T.
, Farkhani, H., Ferreira, R.
& Moradi, F. (2023).
Spin-orbit torque flash analog-to-digital converter.
Scientific Reports,
13(1), Artikel 9416.
Li, R., Shreya, S., Ricci, S., Bridarolli, D., Ielmini, D.
, Farkhani, H. & Moradi, F. (2023).
Thermal-Induced Multi-State Memristors for Neuromorphic Engineering. I
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS): Proceedings IEEE.
Rashidi, A.
, Zamani, M., Mondal, T., Hosseini, S.
, Laursen, K., Corbett, B.
& Moradi, F. (2023).
Ultrasonically Powered and Controlled Microsystem for Dual-Wavelength Optogenetics With a Multiload Regulation Scheme.
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters,
6, 33-36.
Böhnert, T.
, Rezaeiyan, Y., Claro, M. S., Benetti, L., Jenkins, A. S.
, Farkhani, H., Moradi, F. & Ferreira, R. (2023).
Weighted spin torque nano-oscillator system for neuromorphic computing.
Nature Communication Engineering,
2, Artikel 65.
Ghanatian, H., Farkhani, H., Rezaeiyan, Y., Bohnert, T., Ferreira, R.
& Moradi, F. (2022).
A 3-Bit Flash Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT)-Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
69(4), 1691-1697.
Ronchini, M., Zamani, M., Huynh, H. A., Rezaeiyan, Y., Panuccio, G.
, Farkhani, H. & Moradi, F. (2022).
A CMOS-based neuromorphic device for seizure detection from LFP signals.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
55(1), Artikel 014001.
Shreya, S., Zamani, M., Rezaeiyan, Y., Ghanatian Najafabadi, H., Böhnert, T., Jenkins, A., Ferreira, R.
, Farkhani, H. & Moradi, F. (2022).
Memory and Communication-in-Logic Using Vortex and Precessional Oscillations in a Magnetic Tunnel Junction.
IEEE Magnetics Letters,
13, Artikel 4505605.
Tofte, A.
, Shreya, S., Ghanatian Najafabadi, H., Böhnert, T., Ferreira, R.
, Farkhani, H. & Moradi, F. (2022).
Memory and Communication Logic (MCL) in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions. Poster session præsenteret på Trends in MAGnetism-PetaSpin Conference, Italien.
Shreya, S., Rezaeiyan, Y., Jenkins, A., Böhnert, T.
, Farkhani, H., Ferreira, R.
& Moradi, F. (2022).
Verilog-A-Based Analytical Modeling of Vortex Spin-Torque Nano Oscillator.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
69(8), 4651-4658.
Zamani, M., Rezaeiyan, Y., Huynh, H. A., Ronchini, M., Farkhani, H. & Moradi, F. (2021).
A 2.3-μW Capacitively Coupled Chopper-Stabilized Neural Amplifier with Input Impedance of 6.7 GΩ.
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters,
4, 133 - 136. Artikel 9471814.
Hosseini, S., Laursen, K., Rashidi, A., Mondal, T., Corbett, B.
& Moradi, F. (2021).
S-MRUT: Sectored-Multi Ring Ultrasonic Transducer for Selective Powering of Brain Implants.
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control,
68(1), 191-200. Artikel 9112273.