We have led and participated in numerous externally funded research projects and co-organised a number of conferences and workshops within our areas of expertise. We are grateful to the funding agencies that have supported and enabled our work. Grant sources include Independent Research Fund Denmark, Innovation Fund Denmark, EU Horizon 2020, The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), The Otto Mønsted Foundation, and the Siemens Foundation. Through our activities, we have had the privilege of working in close collaboration with leading partners from industry, academia and the public sector.
- Title: Machine Learning (ML) in Physiotherapy 1/2 (DK: Digitalt Understøttet Bedre Brug af Hjælpemidler)
- Objective: ML to improve physiotherapy/rehabilitation plans for hospital dischargees
- Funding: National Organization of Municipalities (DK: KL)
- Partners: 5: AU/ENG, U. Coll. Nordjylland, Aalborg Municipality, DigiRehab, KL CfV
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- Title: Early Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Joint Destruction
- Objective: Early RA diagnosis via CT image processing and disease modelling
- Funding: Faculty of Health, AU
- Partners: 2: AU/ENG, AUH/Rheumatology
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- Title: Innovative Use of Big Data (DK: IBBD)
- Objective: Sensor data processing/ decision support for energy usage min. in buildings
- Funding: EU Regional Development Fund and the EU Social Fund
- Partners: 5: AU/ENG, Alexandra Institute, Vitani, Develco, H.Karlsen
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- Title: Workshop on sensor data processing for energy mgmt. in non-residential buildings
- Objective: Two workshops for knowledge exchange and research funding preparation
- Funding: AU Research Foundation
- Partners: 1: AU/ENG and invited guests
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- Title: Cluster computing equipment
- Objective: To build Raspberry Pi compute clusters for teaching
- Funding: Siemens Foundation Denmark
- Partners: 1: AU/ENG
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- Title: iV&L Net: Network on Integrating Vision and Language
- Objective: Networking and knowledge exchange
- Funding: ICT COST Action IC1307
- Partners: 66: AU/ENG, University of Brighton, TU Wien, KU Leuven et al.
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- Title: ValidAid
- Objective: Early preeclampsia onset detection via smart sphygmomanometer
- Funding:
- Partners: 2: AU/ENG, Aarhus University Hospital
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- Title: AAPELE: Algorithms, Architectures & Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments
- Objective: Networking and knowledge exchange
- Funding: ICT COST Action IC1303
- Partners: 64: AU/ENG, University of Oxford, University of Oslo, Aalto University et al.
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- Title: CareStore: Platform for Seamless Healthcare Device Marketing and Configuration
- Objective: To develop a common driver/app-store for health care devices
- Funding: EU FP7-SME-2012-315158
- Partners: 6: AU/Dept. of Eng., U. of Minho, ESIGELEC, Romex, Sekoia and SSRG
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- Title: Connect2Care / UNIK (DK: Ny og Innovativ Teknologi til Kroniske Patienter)
- Objective: Open standards framework for assisted living for the chronically diseased
- Funding: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
- Partners: 17: AU/ENG, U. of Copenhagen, Alexandra Institute, Intel, TDC et al.
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